3 Week Hand Tool Stool Making Class. Saturdays starting 02/03/2024 then 09/03 and 16/03.

3 Week Hand Tool Stool Making Class. Saturdays starting 02/03/2024 then 09/03 and 16/03.
Saturdays. 5 hour sessions, 10am to 3pm. 1 per week for 3 weeks. £295. All timber is included in the price.
This course takes you through the process of making a three legged stool utilising traditional wedged through tenons to join the legs to the seat. We will be using only hand tools for the build. An ideal follow on from the taster class.
This course is specifically designed for complete beginners who have little to no prior experience in woodworking but is challenging enough for those with some existing skills. You will be guided through every step, ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident with your newfound skills.
The course includes:
choosing the timber and what to look for
cutting the seat and legs from the board using a ripsaw and crosscut saw
setting up the hand plane and dimensioning the components
marking out leg positions and setting the angles
cutting the mortice and tenon joints for the legs
gluing up the stool
final shaping
applying a finish
4 places available for this course.